
Let’s Party Virtually! Online Activities for Us to Celebrate At Home

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Parties, although something occasional, used to be a norm not so long ago! Who would have thought that parties would be a thing of the past so soon? Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of the social norms have been modified. Local restaurants, for example, have either closed down, or transitioned into something else, like a local catering company. And as for socializing with people, the implementation of physical distancing has become one of those many societal modifications. Our reality has since become virtual that we almost live in the future! Gatherings now happen online and meetings are being done digitally, so who is to stop us from partying virtually? Read more to get the party going on!

1. Bingo

You can set the Bingo game theme to whatever the occasion is, be it a celebration of a birthday or even a holiday. With that said, design a personalized bingo card before the day or night of the event and then send copies over to the party attendees.

2. Charades

A classic to party with, this flexible game can be played with no trouble over any video chat application or service. Simply clarify the rules and proceed to guess the other things.

3. Karaoke

Attendees may even turn off their cameras for this activity since they only really need their speakers and microphones. You can prepare instrumental versions of songs and have everybody or one person sing along!

4. Dance-Off

What is a party without some dancing? Pit two people against each other at a time and with the music turned on, have some dancing competition! Make sure everybody gets to see each dancer clearly when he/she dances as everyone will get to be the judges.

5. Movie Marathon

What a long gathering it would be! Create a poll prior to the screening time that the members could vote on movies to watch with the group. The show or series with the highest number of votes will get to be played during the video stream. But maybe each one has to make their own popcorn?

6. Scavenger Hunt

This traditional game can be more exciting since everyone will be off scampering to different places in their own houses! Call out for items the attendees might have in their homes and send them off scurrying to look for these objects and watch them speed to be the first one to get back before the others!

7. Awards Ceremony

Who does not want to be acknowledged for their hard work and efforts? Everybody does! This could be a good if not better time and place to do some ceremonial awarding as the awardee will put more focus on video, thus giving him/her more acknowledgment, which is the chief purpose of the activity. And since this is a party, include not only the serious but also the silly recognitions, too!

8. Speech

Parties do not have to be just fun. They can also be emotional! Since everybody is present anyway, take a break from the games and have everyone gather. All of the participants should be given a chance to speak in turns, and it can be about what they feel about whom and what they think about whatever. Do your best to set an upbeat mood beforehand and make sure the speeches will be encouraging. At the end of this activity will be a party nobody will forget!

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