
Top five Rules for Defensive Driving

Safe Drivers Course


It’s a safer time than ever to be driving if you consider the car’s physical makeup. These advanced features, which include brake assist and blind spots warning systems, are all designed to help avoid accidents and keep you safe. Check our Safe Drivers Course for learning safe driving.However, technology alone cannot change behavior. Because accidents are so common because of the choices made behind the wheel by drivers, it is a leading cause of these accidents.

It is important to be a defensive driver to avoid accidents. Here are 5 important defensive driving rules:

1. Look ahead

It may sound obvious that you need to be able to see beyond what’s in front of your vehicle. The number of accidents that could have been prevented if motorists were more alert to what they were about to do is surprising. For a better understanding of your next move, look far ahead before you drive.

2. Be aware that there are blind spots

Rearview, side mirrors for passengers and drivers are crucial tools for seeing what’s behind you. When you travel on the highway, and another car passes you, there is an area where you won’t be able to see their cars. This blind spot is something every car has. Make sure to use your peripheral sight to see other motorists and know when it’s time for you to change lanes.

3. At all intersections, slow down

Because multiple vehicles are coming from multiple directions, intersections can be dangerous. Traffic lights determine which direction you need to go. But red-light runner drivers are responsible every year for thousands upon thousands of car accidents. Many of these accidents result in Auto Insurance claims. You should slow down when approaching an intersection so that you can easily stop at the red light.

4. Safe following distance

You never know when your car will need to come to a complete halt. Your brakes won’t work if you are following too closely the vehicle behind you. You need to give yourself enough space, whether you’re driving on the highway or back roads so that your car can stop smoothly and not all at once.

5. All distractions should be minimized

There are plenty of distractions to distract you from the main task: driving safely. Mobile phones are more dangerous than any distraction. According to Virginia Tech Transportation Institute’s study, texting while driving can increase your chance of getting in an accident 23x. Reduce distractions such as texting and driving to reduce the chance of a crash.

Ask a local Selective Agent about defensive driving or how you can be a safer driver to help you save on car insurance.

6. Keep yourself hydrated

A bottle of water is an essential item to have with you when you travel long distances. A bottle of water is a great way to quench your thirst and keep you hydrated while driving.

It should be common sense. However, aside from a dry mouth, a headache, and the risk of forgetting to drink water before a long trip, it can also have dangerous consequences.

Research shows that driving while dehydrated can have the same effect as drinking a few glasses of wine on driving abilities. It leaves motorists feeling tired, dizzy, and slow to react.

8. Be patient

Its lesson-time, and one of your most valuable tasks as a supervisor is going back to your learner years and recalling the concerns you had all those many years ago.

You can invite students to join your Ltrent driving school Australia’s if you need moral support. A supervised driver can carry as many passengers as the car is legally allowed to.

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