
3 Signs Your Children May Be Victims of Parental Alienation

Children May Be Victims of Parental Alienation


a child psychologist who first coined the term parental alienation syndrome, where he used the term to describe the behavior of a child affected by parental alienation.Parental alienation is when one parent discredits the other parent to a child.

When Gardner talks about parental alienation syndrome, he identifies eight symptoms or criteria for a child with the syndrome. then added that in order for a child to be diagnosed with parental alienation syndrome, the child must have strong bonds with the alienator and previously had strong bonds with the alienated.

She also said that children should exhibit negative behavior when with parents who are alienated and have difficulty with transitioning to custody.

So are you or your ex-partner the alienator, alienating the other parent?Divorce can be complicated, and the ones most affected are often the children. Even when the split is amicable on both sides, it can be difficult for them to adjust to the new circumstances of their suddenly imploded lives.

In situations where the separation was fraught with conflict, it can be even harder on kids, and in some cases, your children may even experience negative influence from a parent. Parental alienation is when a father or mother employs tactics such as trash-talking or lying to force children to see the other parent in a negative light and can constitute emotional abuse. It may even count as grounds for a custody agreement alteration, and if your child is suffering from it, you may need to contact your family attorney Tampa. Here are three signs that may signal your children are victims of parental alienation.

1. Excessive Anger

If your children are unreasonably angry all the time and the anger is targeted towards you, your ex-spouse may have persuaded them that you are somehow at fault. This is especially noticeable if your kids suddenly have a view of you as the “bad guy” no matter what you do, and treat you with disdain and disrespect as a result, but cannot come up with tangible reasons why they believe this. They may also display no remorse for any ill-treatment they direct your way.

2. Refusal To Visit

Another sign of parental alienation is refusing to come to visit you during your court-appointed time. Your children may also refuse to explain why they don’t want to visit beyond generalizations such as “you’re bad,” “everything is your fault” or “I hate you.”

3. Rejection of Extended Family

You may not be the only one caught in the backlash of parental alienation. Extended family on your side may also face unexpected hostility.

While some acting out and intense emotions are not uncommon after a divorce, if you suspect it is purposely being spurred on by your former partner, it is important to take steps to help your children as parental alienation can permanently scar them psychologically.

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